Thursday, April 8, 2010

Sheldon and the Storm

Sheldon and Tamara at Occidental

His name was Sheldon. He came to the communion table after the Celebration Service and was bending down over and over in great distress. He said he was so angry that he wanted someone to be hurt. I asked him if he knew Jesus and he said no. He kept saying how angry he was over and over. I kept speaking Jesus’ name over him and giving him the picture of life and peace. After a time he said that he wanted to be free of his anger and to be at peace. I said, “Just say ‘Jesus, come to me.’”

I heard him say the words, “Jesus, come to me” and I got to see the Kingdom of God in all its fullness. Instead of rage, Sheldon was filled with peace. It was instantaneous and it was complete. The storm left and the sea calmed. Sheldon prayed and asked Jesus to become his Savior. He took his first communion. He got his first Bible. And, right before Fran the videographer left, Sheldon gave his whole testimony on tape.

Sheldon. A man transformed by the Kingdom of God present in the world.

(this is a picture of Sheldon getting his Easter lunch).

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