Friday, April 30, 2010

Leaving Sunday for 3DMinistries Learning Community

The time is quickly approaching for the Learning Community Team from Missio Lux to join the Learning Community Team with 3DMinistries.

Last year, we made a very big commitment to join the inaugural 3d Learning Community! We joined in with approximately 10 other churches to join the Aidan Community; a new style of learning where we come together and instead of a conference or a speaker, we learn from one another.

3Dministries originated from Sheffield, England where St. Thomas, a long Anglican church, discovered the power of doing missional community. The church is still vibrant and making huge impacts into their unchurched culture in England 15 years later.

Missio Lux didn't know about 3 d ministries when we started, but were grateful to discover that their new mission is to help equip, train and resource church leaders to live faith filled lives and to lead faith communities with huddle and misisonal communities as their discipleship base.

This is our third trip to St. Pawley's Island in South Carolina where 3d ministries now operates! It's a big journey, taking 15 or 16 hours to get there, but one that is extremely valuable to our development as a new emerging missional church.

Check out 3dministries new website:

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