Wednesday, October 14, 2009

A Ripple

This reflection was written by Anne Clark: she is a woman who is eager to be used by God to build his kingdom: she is one of the "ripples" from Missio Lux!

Bethany Food Collection~ A Reflection

After officially collecting for two weeks now, we are excited to announce that we have collected over 400 items of food/personal hygiene/household cleaning items that have already been disbursed! Praise God.

Julie McIntosh tells the story of a woman who just received a bar of soap collected by Bethany two weeks ago. She had been bathing her 3 children, doing her dishes, and cleaning her laundry with the same dwindling bar of soap. She was unable to buy anymore as food stamps do not cover these types of items. She began to cry when she saw a brand new bar of soap as part of her food collection on Monday. We pray that she was touched by Almighty God as she realizes that He is caring for the smallest details of her life!

"The Lord your God is God of all gods and Lord of all lords. He is the great God, who is strong and wonderful. He does not take sides, and he will not be talked into doing evil. He helps orphans and widows, and he loves foreigners and gives them food and clothes. You also must love foreigners, because you were foreigners in Egypt." Deuteronomy 10:17-19

A PRAYER FROM LLOYD JOHN OGILVIE (one-time Chaplain, U.S. Senate):

"Almighty God, eight words thunder in our souls: Without you, we can’t; without us, you won’t.
You have chosen to do your work through your people. We have been called to communicate your love by caring for the spiritually and physically poor and hungry of the world.
You press our hearts next to the heartbeat of those caught in the syndrome of poverty and those millions who feel hunger gnaw at them day and night. Help us respond to their cries as individuals and as participants in united efforts to care for those who suffer.
Motivate us by the memory of your generosity to us, but also by the bracing truth that we can’t continue to grow in grace without obeying your command to feed the hungry and care for the poor.
Today, begin a spiritual awakening among believers that sweeps across the world and results in a mighty outpouring of funds to meet the magnitude of the need.

And Lord, begin with me. Amen."

As you choose to donate food this week above and beyond your normal tithes and offerings to the church, expect the Lord to richly bless you. We do not give to be blessed, but yet, what a blessed reward we reap from the heavenlies as we fulfill His work on earth! Both Julie and I pray that these donations become a seed for the truth of Christ to be planted in each individual that receives them. Please join us in silently praying over the food in the bins each time you pass them, as well as praying for salvation and wholeness for the person who will receive them.
May the Lord bless you and keep you in His holy name!
Anne & Julie

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