Thursday, May 8, 2008

Scot and Kim Come to Seattle

I have a 25 year old nephew named Scot. He married his wife, Kim, almost 4 years ago, after they graduated from college. They have always had an adventurous streak in them, so 2 1/2 years ago, they got on a plane to Asia because they heard that if you went to sit in a certain park, employers of schools would come and hire you to teach English.

So, they went to Taiwan withouth a job, a place to live, or a solid plan. They went to the park and got hired. Taiwan didn't work out the greatest, so they moved to Korea where they had 2 years of adventure: traveling all around Asia, meeting new people, exploring Korean culture, and even starting a new business called Adventure Teaching.

Adventure Teaching ( hires teachers from US and Canada to teach in Korea. Their first year, they placed around 40 teachers. Not a bad start for a couple of 20 something! It's now exploding and is Scot' full time pursuit,

However, they did one other thing that is most important to me. They started a missional community in their very small apartment. Every Sunday, up to 25 people would crowd in and stay for much of the day as they experienced knowing God, loving each other in authentic friendship, and serving the world. Scot and Kim got a taste of what can be when we go intentionally smaller in worship and community. They got excited about what was taking place, and all the while, God was impressing on them that they have an opportunity to do something ground breaking in Seattle~Missio Lux!

So, they are here! They packed up everything they owned in a U-Haul truck, drove against a fierce wind, snow, rain until they reached the Washington border where they encountered a huge sun welcoming them to this state.

I am grateful that God called Scot and Kim to Washington because it is a gift to have family in the area again, but even more, I know that their call to Missio Lux will make a major impact on their lives, but even more, on the Kingdom as God does his awesome thing through them!

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