Friday, October 24, 2008

Mission of LIght to Occidental Park, part 2

I met a couple of men who were pretty fun. . . they definitely left an impression on me.

The first one was a man who approached me as soon as I got out of my car. His name was Willie from Philly. He just arrived from Philly a few days ago. He immediately helped unloading, and when it was all set up, he took to one of the campstoves. He stayed there the whole afternoon, chatting with whomever was his partner for the moment. He conversed with Fred, with Judy, with Gary and with many others from Missio Lux, giving his story to all who would listen.

Once again, it isn't always what we bring in terms of food and clothing, but it is our listening ear that can be one of our greatest gifts. I always find that when I ask a disenfranchised person for their story, the only that stops them is an interuption, or my need to leave... they will talk for hours to anyone willing to give them the gift of listening.

Listening is really cheap financially! It doesn't take organization or large numbers, it only takes two ears and our presence, made all the sweeter by Jesus' love being poured out by the listener.

The second man that I kept encountering was Big Red. He was a very tall, thin man from Texas. He had red hair, hence the name. He came for prayer right away, asking that God would grant his desire for a rig so he could drive cross country. He wanted prayer another time, but he had taken his shirt off, so I had to insist that he put it back on before we prayed. When the band played, he was out dancing for joy. He was lots of fun to have at the party!

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