Monday, April 18, 2011

The Invisible Ministry

Jesus tells us that the Kingdom of God is like yeast that permeates the dough. Yeast becomes invisble in dough but it continues to make the dough rise until it becomes delicious bread. The Kingdom is invisible but it leaves its mark on the world and brings God's rule and reign, as well as his heart into the earth!

One of Missio Lux' invisble missios is our nursing home ministry. Once a month of a team of people go to Marionwood Nursing Home in Sammamish, WA and do a worship and prayer service with the residents. They had a breakthrough in their understanding of what they have been doing for the past 3 years lat week. They understood that they are being the Church to those that come. They saw clearly how the Lord was pleased because even though many of the people to which they minister don't even remember them from week to week, they are demonstating God's heart to them.

Paul tells us in 1st Corinthians 12 that greater honor is due to the invisible members of the Body of Christ. We couldn't agree more!

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