Tuesday, July 21, 2009

It's All About Relationships, Part 3

We are learning in Missio Lux to "Do Life Together."
Today I had a fun experience of living life together with my next door neighbor.

She has a dog named Pepper and I have a dog named Nicki. When we meet together as vision partners for our Missio Community, I bring my Nicki to play with Pepper.

I have this amazing 100 lb Bernese Mountain Dog, but she is so gentle and compliant that it makes us laugh. She has never once run away from our yard! I often let her sit on the front porch to cool off and she has never once left it.

But, today, she decided that she and her dog friend, Pepper, needed some time together to do life. So, Nicki got out of the back yard through the gate and went to our neighbors house, sitting there patiently until the door got opened and Pepper ran out too.

They didn't run away, however, they came back to my yard to play!

My neighbor Nancy, came over and discovered that they were playing in the back and we got to share a moment of deep connection as we celebrated how even our dogs want to do life together!
It's all about relationships, and I am loving it!

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