Sunday, January 18, 2009

Inauguration of our New President

No matter who we voted for; I think everyone can agree that our country has entered into a new era. It's been quite awhile since the Democrats have been in majority, we have never had a black President, but even more, the last 8 years have been hard on everybody as we've watched the dramatic shift take place in the world.

Today I was able to see about 20 minutes of the pre-inaugural events. Bono and U2 were singing, a fun country trio sang "This Land is Our Land" and President-elect O'bama spoke. I was struck by how he was able to refer to the 4 landmarks around him and the people for which the landmarks were created. He was helping us root in our history as we take a step forward into our future. He acknowledged the level of challenge for our country, but he helped us to remember how those before us responded in times of challenge.

It made me wonder: What do we need to remember and take root in right now as Jesus' followers, as we take a step forward into the new territory of following him?

I think about the Israelites as they left Egypt and began their life in the desert after they were miraculously set free from slavery.

I think about the Israelites when they watched the destruction of Jerusalem and were taken as slaves to Babylon.

I think about Israel when Jesus started his ministry and challenged just about everything that they held sacred spiritually.

I think about Paul when he was walking one way and was dramatically re-directed when he met Jesus on the road.

The times of greatest disequalibrium are also the times of greatest potential.

Louisa May Alcott spoke this quote. It reflects where we are as a culture and as a nation, but even more where we are as Jesus' followers:
"I do not fear the storm for that is where I learn to sail my ship."

My prayer is that we will not see the days ahead, not as so full of challenge, but as the opportunity that we have to walk as people of faith, and to invite those around us to walk in it too.

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