Monday, January 19, 2009

Celebrate Recovery Celebrates One Year of Freedom

We started Celebrate Recovery intentionally on Martin Luther King Day last year because he stood for freedom. Celebrate Recovery is all about freedom too; freedom from our hurts, habits and hang-ups that keep us from knowing God's love and experiencing friendship and acceptance with people.

I just came home from Missio Lux'** Celebrate Recovery. It thrilled me to see how many people are benefiting from a Christian 12 step that teaches us to live like Jesus did, in truth, in grace and in freedom.
Freedom from addiction and freedom from fear.
Freedom from co-dependency and freedom from financial devastation.
Freedom from isolation and freedom from destructive habits.

The cool thing about CR is that everybody comes onto the same footing: life under the cross. No one is better, no one is more powerful, everyone is the same. Everyone is quick to acknowledge that they are a "grateful believer in Jesus, recovering from.... " and the list goes on. Our identity is not in our addiction, it is in our relationship with Jesus.

This is the cool thing about Jesus, he created us for relationship. And, in those relationships, we can be safe, accepted, loved and heard. We can be present for one another, rather than living in isolation. We learn healthy relationships through Christian 12 step because the principles come from the Bible; the ones Jesus taught us to live.

Thank you, Betsy, Kim, Bill, Chas, Kelly and Trish for your faithfulness in making Celebrate Recovery all that it is today. You have done this through what Jesus has done in you!
Thank you, Rag Band, for giving yourselves to lead worship every Monday night for the past year. The lives you live amaze and inspire me.

I count it a privilege to be part of the Celebrate Recovery family.

**we share this ministry with Pine Lake Covenant, our parent church

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