Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Arok Becomes AROCK Star: the Rest of the Story!

When I walked into ACKC on Thursday, Stacee, the Children's Pastor, was calling several children up onto the stage.  They ranged in age from 3 to 11 years old.  The reason that she was calling them up was because they were going the extra mile in raising funds for the grinding mill.

Stacee telling the stories of the children who went the extra mile!

One little girl gave her tooth fairy money from the night before.

Another boy gave everything in his life savings:  $150.

Two other children went door to door in their neighborhood, raising another $150.

Another boy gave his entire allowance for 2011.

Several other children made lemonade stands to raise money.

One little girl gave her favorite gold rock!

I almost cried when I heard these stories.  These children weren't dutifully bringing in money because they were asked, nor were they motivated more by winning the prize for their team's highest giving.  They were bringing money that were sacrificial gifts:  their offerings cost them something!  Jesus must have been so pleased, just as he was when the woman gave her only coins in the temple offering.

And, even better, because the children had a chance to get to know Arok and build a relationship with him, their lives will be forever impacted.  They will have the chance to have an ongoing friendship with him as Stacee says that she has many more dreams of ways that the children of Arvada Covenant and Arok can partner together.

Everything the children gave all mattered and it all added up.  After the finale on Friday night, the offering not only met the goal, but surpassed it by almost double!  When God sets out to do something, he does it big!

Arok collecting the offering for the Day!
ACKC raised a whopping $10, 700 for Seeds of Hope!  This is enough to not only buy the grinding mill, but also to purchase mattresses for the children's beds at the compound and to help pay the expenses for caring for the children while they are not in school.

I am so grateful for this breakthrough for Seeds of Hope.  Missio Lux is committed to kingdom partnerships, believing that we can do far more together than we can do apart.  We look forward to a rewarding and fruitful partnership with Arvada Covenant.

Consider donating too:  www.missiolux.org/donate

ACKC responded to the Call by Raising $10,700 for Seeds of Hope!

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