Thursday, March 5, 2009

Missio Lux Celebration

Sunday was our monthly Celebration. We often focus on a missio story to share, but this time we sought to live into the different elements of the Acts 2 Church.

They committed themselves to the apostles' teaching, the life together, the common meal, and the prayers.

We started out by some exploration of Acts 2, worshipping God for who he is, and inviting him to come in prayer. We were invited to come and share a word of Scripture which had spoken to us through the week.

The Jesus followers in Acts 2 pooled their resouces and shared with one another as anyone had need.

We have a family in Missio Lux who has need, as they are both self-employed, and in one week, they lost all their contracts. We gathered in a prayer circle around them, and asked the Body of Christ to pray. It was truly the Body of Christ at its best. Those in their missio community came and supported them by laying hands on them. People spoke words of Scripture to encourage them. One 1o year old girl prayed an amazing prayer, showing that children really can lead the way.

Invitation to receive prayer: miracles, signs and wonders so that everyone was in awe:

As we continued to worship the Healing Prayer Ministers moved through the people praying for anyone that the Lord prompted them to pray over. One woman was healed of her headache. Another was given encouragement in a difficult situation. One person just needed to know that they were seen and loved.

They followed a daily discipline of worship followed by meals at home;

We moved to the tables where we took communion; but instead of it being an individual act, we did it together. We prayed the Lord's Prayer and read Acts 2 again, discovering which elements were especially meaningful to us and how we would like to see the Lord do more of within us.

every meal a celebration, exuberant and joyful, as they praised God.

We have dinner together. People linger. They reached out and encouraged the family that shared their journey. New people were embraced. Children ran freely through the room and played together. One new family came and their children couldn't wait to come back again.

People in general liked what they saw. Every day their number grew as God added to those who were saved.

People are hungry for relationships. We have a relationship with the One who created the whole universe. That's worth sharing....God continues to expand his family.

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