Friday, December 28, 2007

Prophetic Word

Sunday Missio Lux served dinner to men in a transitional center. I was pretty busy with all the details, so I didn't get to sit down and have dinner until it was almost over. I ended up talking to a man named "Daniel." I heard his story. This seems to be the most important part of being present as Jesus; to listen well to the stories of those that have experienced much hardship and suffering.
I asked him if he was attending the church that had recently started in their facility. His answer was this: "No, in my mind, people need to stop going to church, and start being the church."
(I think I've heard that before.....)
God was reminding me of his call to me and to those who commit themselves to be part of Missio Lux through Daniel's statement. It isn't what we do on Sunday morning. It is what we do all week long as we reach out to all that Jesus puts in our paths as opportunities to "be the church" by doing the things that Jesus himself did.


Anonymous said...

This is so interesting that this is just what you wrote in your first blog in October.

Tamara Buchan said...

God does amazing things to confirm his direction, doesn't he? I could have spoken to any of 80 men and I heard the comment that confirmed that God is pleased with his people recognizing that "we are the church."

Anonymous said...

I too am so very excited that we are recognizing the necessity to get back into a Biblically based and Holy Spirit filled ACTIVE "Church" life. In doing so, I hope what I have been reading and hearing of late is not quite right, that we shouldn't really do away with going to "Church"; attending Sunday Services because we are a "Missional church". I can't believe that that is what we are all saying. Is it?

I believe we are both a Missional church body that goes out to our community, but also gathers together on Sunday to worship and praise God; a day that is set aside that is Holy; a day of "Rest". I am interested in your comments/clarification.