Sunday, December 30, 2007

New Year's Day Gathering

People are gathering at the Sammamish Town Center on New Year's Day at noon to recognize the new year, the new beginning that God is doing. Over a year ago, I had a picture of people at the new city hall waiting to welcome Jesus to our area in a greater way. I was at a prayer gathering this fall for National Day of Prayer, and I couldn't pray at all because all I could see is the gathering should be on New Year's Day. I told the NDP coordinator and we prayed for more specifics. The Lord showed us both it should be at noon, he showed us we should face east, and we should be ready....because he wants to do many new things and when we make room for them, he responds.

It feels so right to do this as I am ready to move into new territory. I cleaned out my office at Pine Lake this week, and brought everything home. I am ready to live like a tabernacle; following the cloud by day and the fire by night. I am ready to walk in faith and ready to call those who are embracing a new wineskin to buckle their seatbelt and get ready for the ride.

Interestingly, I hear that there will be many gatherings taking place around the state of Washington much like what is taking place in Sammamish. Others are hearing the trumpet call and responding to embrace the new year; the number 7 in Hebrew means "year of completion" and the number 8 means "year of new of beginnings."

Friday, December 28, 2007

Prophetic Word

Sunday Missio Lux served dinner to men in a transitional center. I was pretty busy with all the details, so I didn't get to sit down and have dinner until it was almost over. I ended up talking to a man named "Daniel." I heard his story. This seems to be the most important part of being present as Jesus; to listen well to the stories of those that have experienced much hardship and suffering.
I asked him if he was attending the church that had recently started in their facility. His answer was this: "No, in my mind, people need to stop going to church, and start being the church."
(I think I've heard that before.....)
God was reminding me of his call to me and to those who commit themselves to be part of Missio Lux through Daniel's statement. It isn't what we do on Sunday morning. It is what we do all week long as we reach out to all that Jesus puts in our paths as opportunities to "be the church" by doing the things that Jesus himself did.

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Something Needs to Change

Yesterday I got to see a dear friend of mine that I only see about once a year when she comes to visit her parents in Seattle. We have similar church backgrounds, but we both know that something is going to change drastically in the next year.
My friend is so fed up with church that she doesn't want to go anymore.
She's someone that knows and follows Jesus and has developed a lifestyle of being his disciple. She cares about the poor, she reaches out to the disenfranchised, she is passionate about developing community, she is preparing to move to Haiti to help their country develop better ways of farming.
But, she doesn't feel like her church life is relevant to her other life.
She feels like her church almost hinders her faith; rather than growing it up.
She doesn't want to go anymore.
How can this be?
Why have I heard 3 times this week that church isn't relevant to life?
Where have we gotten off track to the point that we think that church gets in the way of living out our faith?
I dream about church being a group of people that "does life together." They know what's happening in one another's lives and they care! They celebrate the victories and suffer along with those that are walking through the hard spots of life. They study the Bible and see that God is much bigger than they ever knew from Sunday School or Youth Group.
They dream together and understand what their true missional purpose can be. They begin to plan and give their money to do something of real significance in the world; whether it is next door or across the world.
I dream of a people that know and follow Jesus in real ways; the ways that he said are important: knowing God and loving people, and taking steps to be free: wholistically~free through a healthy body, a healthy emotional soul, and a spirit that is alive to God.
I dream of a people that isn't afraid to talk about what Jesus has done for them because they have tangible things to say: Jesus helped me to forgive my boss for firing me. Jesus helped me to forgive myself for the abortion I had. Jesus helped me get healed of migraines. Jesus helped me to dream again and to join a community of people that love me for "who I am" not who I appear to be. Jesus helped me to be known to know others, so that I am not isolated any longer.
What's your story?
Do you have tangible ways to point to what Jesus has done for you?
If not, then something really needs to change.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Is this all there is?

Shortly after I arrived at Pine Lake I had a conversation with another staff member. He was expressing A LOT of frustration about the church, and I remember saying to him, "This is what it is. This is the church."
I was thinking about that conversation earlier today and realizing how even I had bought into the lie that church was a lot like the rest of the world. I am idealistic by nature but even I had seen enough and lived through enough to realize that Acts 2 wasn't really even a glimmer.
I am changing my mind as I watch and I listen and I dream.
Tonight I went and prayed with a family who had knitted lots of hats. They are sending these hats to Compass Center; the outreach that Missio Lux is going to on Sunday evening. I saw the love and the hope in their eyes as they dreamt about how those hats would make Jesus love was tangible to the men who will wear them.
Tonight I also listened to a message from a family who won't be joining us at Compass Center because they prayed as a family and right after they finished, a call came with an opportunity to reach out to a family full of suffering. They are choosing to follow the Holy Spirit's leading, instead of the "plan."
This afternoon I also got my hair cut from a woman that I have been having spiritual conversations with ever since I came to Seattle 5 1/2 years ago. She has come to church a couple of times, but her eyes lit up when she dreamed about going to an apartment complex and giving something to each family who lives in it. We talk about Jesus, but not much about church.
Once we make the shift from "we go to church" to "we are the church wherever we are" I believe the possibilities are endless~we will see spontaneous acts of love rise up all over and suddenly the world will be asking, "What's changed?" That's when we tell them about Jesus and what he did for us and for them, and suddenly those that hear us speak will listen with receptive ears.
Let's share stories of how we see the church, Jesus' followers, present in the world....what's your story?

Monday, December 17, 2007

The Power of Community

This weekend we took a journey to Chilly Chicago to attend and celebrate our daughter Bonnie's graduation from North Park University. We were touched and honored that 13 family members also made the trek to help Bonnie celebrate a huge milestone in her life.
My sister has 4 kids and 3 of them are girls. Between the two of us, we had 5 girls in 5 years! These cousins are like siblings to my daughters, and I love them like my own children. My parents also came; my Mom postponed a surgery so she could be there~she never likes to miss anything.
The night after the graduation we had a dinner and then we all crowded into a hotel room where we blessed Bonnie. Each person gave a verbal blessing that they had also written down for Bonnie to keep. After everyone was finished, we laid hands on Bonnie and prayed for her future. It was powerful. The Bible says that our words either give life or they kill. That night, there was a lot of life flowing around!
I know that what happened Saturday night was the power of community. It doesn't have to take a natural family for it to happen. The Bible also says that the family of God is even more important and permanent than our own family.
My vision for Missio Lux is to see many family' of God "do life together." As we are present for one another for the important and the mudane things of life, we can be the ones to gather around and speak lifegiving blessings. We can be the ones to pray for the graduates embarking into the world, or the kindergartner going to school for the first time, or the husband starting a new job, or the teen struggling in school or with his friends. We can be "family to one another" and by this the world will know us by our love.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Healing Prayer Story

God has a funny sense of humor.
Before I even moved here 5 years ago, I heard him tell me to start a healing ministry. I didn't know what a healing ministry was, let alone how to start one. But, I did my best to find a good one to bring to the church. Nothing in God's funny sense of humor, He had me write a healing prayer training curriculum. We started by holding a weekend training that 13 people registered for and 35 attended. It was a great start.
The next week we started the weekly training and I set the bar really high. I expected half of them to quit by the next class; instead more came.
God has done miracle upon miracle with the Healing Prayer Ministers. They are experiencing revival and healing in many aspects of their lives.
Now we are in our 3rd year. We are training a new group with others who can't get enough of God and being in community with each other.
Once a month, we hold a Healing Prayer Worship Service. People can come and worship, and then receive prayer for whatever type of healing they desire. People are attending now just to soak in the environment, to make space for God, to bring calm to the chaos that swirls around them.
Last night we had a service. As I looked around and saw what was happening, my spirit soared. This is Kingdom of God ministry to see the blind see, the lame walk, the sick made well......

Monday, December 10, 2007

The Kingdom of God

What does this term really mean?
The Kingdom of God means that God has ultimate rule, reign and sovereignity. His Kingdom is yet to come in many ways; but, it is also already here. It came when Jesus burst through the heavens and came to earth; a king disguised as a helpless baby. It came when Jesus taught and when he healed and when he cast out demons. It came when he intentionally allowed himself to be crucified because he knew that death would be defeated when his father ressurrected him.
God's rule on earth.
Where do we hear that phrase? The Lord's Prayer: Thy Kingdom Come, Thy will be done.
When we pray as believers we are calling God's kingdom power forth. We are participating in expanding the kingdom as the enemy's power is bound.
What is a practical way that we see The Kingdom of God at work? In healing and recovery ministry. As we call forth Jesus' healing power to come forth; we are bringing God's kingdom forth from heaven to earth. As we walk in the power of the Holy Spirit and in the authority of Jesus' name, we are able to do the things that Jesus did. He always led people to wholeness, freedom and truth. As Missio Lux, this is what we will also do: invite people to live in light which leads to health, wholeness and freedom.

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Preparing for the King

I love the season of Advent. It starts four Sundays before Christmas. It is a path for intentionally preparing to welcome the King. It involves lights and candles which in the dark Seattle days only make the contrast more apparent.
This year Missio Lux made advent wreaths that look different than the usual evergreen wreaths. The base is a mirror. This mirror is a reminder of two things: one that we have a mission to extend Christ' light to the world, the second is that we are lights that resemble the King that we follow.
Preparing for a king means that the king has a kingdom. Jesus often spoke about the Kingdom of God. This kingdom is bigger than any one church; it is the actions of Jesus lived out through people. What are the actions that Jesus took? He brought healing to so many; not just physical healing but freedom from social rejection, freedom from demon oppression, freedom from judgment, freedom from depression and anxiety.
Jesus broke all the boundaries that had been created between the Jews and the Romans, between the men and the women, between the rich and the poor, between the sick and the well, the religious leaders and the regular people. He invites us to do the same.
As you prepare for the arrival of King Jesus this advent season, I want to encourage you to reach out beyond a boundary that challenges you, and extend Christ' mission of light into the world. Remember the truth that his light shines through you as you do the things Jesus himself did!
Then, let us know how you extended light, so we can be encouraged too.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Missional: buzzword or reality?

Missional seems to be the new buzz word for Christianity. It's everywhere, but is there a reason for this?
I think that it's not about the number of books being written, not about the blogs, not about the conferences. It's about what the Spirit of God is doing.
Here's a picture of why Holy Spirit wants to move missionally.
Yesterday Pine Lake (the church planting Missio Lux) had their annual woman's brunch. Now this brunch is a very sacred tradition. People opt to hostess a table and then spend weeks designing their table; bringing all their best china and silver to make it shine. Then, the women are encouraged invite their friends and neighbors to come, so they can experience a wonderful morning and hear an invitational talk about Jesus.
This year my next door neighbor Nancy and I hosted a table with our neighbors; all of whom do not attend church. Here's the kicker. This is the last year that Pine Lake is doing the brunch this way. Next year instead of opening it up to our friends and neighbors, we will be hosting women and children from a homeless shelter.
An invitation was made for guests at the brunch to host tables next year. My neighborhood jumped at the chance! They got so excited, thinking that they could be part of an outreach into the world. Many of them signed up to participate.
We've had it so backwards in the modern church. We try to get people to come to church to find Jesus. We need to be Jesus to the world and invite them to participate in the things Jesus did: caring about the poor, visiting the sick, reaching out to the foreigners, building caregiver kits for Caregivers of Aids patients in a brunch for suffering women and children.
Missional: buzzword or reality? You tell me.